Salient Features


Our captivating library creates a haven of imagination and exploration, where young minds embark on literary adventures, nurturing a lifelong love for reading, expanding their knowledge horizons, and sowing the seeds of curiosity that blossom into extraordinary journeys of learning.

Our meticulously curated collection of books, resources, and digital materials serves as a gateway to boundless exploration and discovery. With a focus on cultivating a love for reading from the early years, our library provides a nurturing environment that fosters literacy, critical thinking, and a thirst for knowledge. From vibrant story times and author visits to research assistance and book clubs, our dedicated librarians are passionate about igniting the love of reading in our students. Step into our library and embark on a literary adventure that will inspire, inform, and captivate young minds, laying the foundation for a lifelong love of learning.


Welcome to our state-of-the-art Labs, where the realms of physics, chemistry, biology, and computer science converge, igniting a passion for scientific inquiry and technological innovation. Our well-equipped laboratories provide a dynamic and immersive learning environment, enabling students to delve into the depths of these fascinating disciplines. In our physics lab, students explore the fundamental laws of the universe through captivating experiments and hands-on demonstrations.

In the chemistry lab, they unlock the secrets of matter and chemical reactions, engaging in exciting experiments that unravel the intricacies of the molecular world. In the biology lab, students embark on a journey of life sciences, studying organisms, cells, and ecosystems through captivating dissections and microscopic investigations. In the computer science lab, they harness the power of technology, delving into coding, robotics, and computational thinking to solve real-world problems. With experienced faculty and cutting-edge resources, our labs provide a nurturing space where students can unleash their scientific curiosity, develop critical skills, and cultivate a deep appreciation for the wonders of the natural and digital world. Step into our labs and embark on an exhilarating scientific voyage where innovation and exploration know no bounds.

Digital Realm

Within the digital landscape of KPS-Safavi, technology serves as a cornerstone for advancing education, communication, and administration, fostering a dynamic and varied environment. Robotics emerges as the focal point, empowering students to craft their own robotic innovations.